Get in touch
Know one of these animal loving models? Our models compete in HSOC's top dog model competition for a trophy, prize package, and bragging rights! If you know one of these brave models, purchase your ticket in their support.
$25 General Tickets
$30 VIP Tickets are front row seats (These normally sell out)
Tickets can be purchased the day of at the door for $30
VIP Tickets are sold out! General Admission Tickets will be available at the door of the event!
You can still make a donation in the name of your favorite animal loving model. Donate today!
Thank you for filling out the form!
Can't make it to the show?
You can still support a model by entering their name above first, followed by a $25 donation per vote.
Please contact Laura for any questions at
2601 Interior Way
La Grange, KY 40031
Monday / Wednesday / Friday:
12:00pm to 4:00pm